
November 4, 2020
Aries: Want some good news, Aries? Well, I hope so, because I am here to grace you with some. This is going to be your week. This is the week to take those chances you’ve been holding in the back of your mind for weeks. Ask that person out, apply for that position, buy a lottery ticket. Use your confidence to its full advantage and it will not let you down.
Taurus: While you might not be the biggest fan of surprises, your strength and stability in difficult and unpredictable situations will shine through when faced with a dramatic situation this week. This situation will arise when you least expect it and take a forbidding face at first, but will quickly turn into a blessing for you if dealt with positively.
Gemini: Unlike Taurus, you love surprises and welcome them with open arms because they work out for you more often than not. This week will be no different for you. Do something nice for a friend this week and another pleasant surprise is guaranteed to make a welcome visit to your life.
Cancer: It’s been difficult for you to keep that happy face on this past week. While it is terrifying for you to let your genuine emotions show for fear of judgment, this is the best week for you to let them through. You will find an opportunity this week to rely on a close acquaintance for support. Do not let this opportunity slip through your fingers, for it will be a therapeutic experience for both of you.
Leo: This week is the time to put your spontaneousness and unpredictability to good use. In your social life, you will find a time that you feel trapped and unsure of what to do next. This will be the time to act on pure impulse. Do what you think is right at the moment, and it will work out in the end.
Virgo: This is the week for you to get that unbearable weight off of your chest. It’s been brewing there for weeks, getting more massive and more bothersome with each day it passes. It is finally time to let it go. Talk to that person, tell them what it is that has been bothering you so much. You will be closer afterward.
Libra: You have been overly dependent on a crutch too much these past few weeks, and it is time to let it go. It will be difficult at first, but you will quickly feel more freedom than you have felt in a good while. After some time away, you will be able to come back to this crutch in a healthier manner.
Scorpio: It is time for you to reach out to those relatives that you have not spoken to in a long time. They miss you, and you miss them. If you do, a deeper emotional connection will be made. To tap into this connection, you will need to treat them as if you are meeting them for the first time. Ask them questions that you have never asked them before.
Sagittarius: That itch under your skin is getting more and more painful, isn’t it? You are craving some action in your life that you just cannot seem to fulfill. The antidote to your itch is to ask someone to hang out with that you do not usually get along with. An exciting relationship is likely to form and will be the excitement that you have been seeking.
Capricorn: A loved one has been trying to convey a message to you that has been difficult for them. You must look for the connection that they are trying to make this week and help them out. You are used to being in control, and it is time for you to take back control of this situation. Both of you will not regret it.
Aquarius: While you usually do not like to take your time when making decisions, this is the week to do just that. You will be faced with an important decision this week, one that cannot be left to chance. Take an afternoon to think carefully about the situation, think back to what you have learned in recent weeks. A correct decision will be made with deliberation.
Pisces: No, you are not paranoid, you are being tested. They are watching you this week and you know it. Be on your best behavior this week. Always remember that they are paying attention. Make this week count. Put your best foot forward.