
SCTV 2/6/2025 | Speech and Debate | Super Bowl | Bachelor | Sports Highlights | & more!

SCTV 1/30/2025 | Music Education | Boba | Student Spotlight | Sports Highlights | & more!

SCTV 1/23/2025 | Welcome Back | Tik Tok | Sodexo Manager | Sports Highlights | & more!

SCTV 12/11/2024 | Studying Tips | Podcast | Carrolls | Sports Highlights | & more!

SCTV 11/27/2024 | Senior Expedition | Club Feature | Pitch Comp. | Thanksgiving Traditions | & more!

SCTV 11/20/2024 | SGA Elections | NASA Project | Women's Soccer Nationals | Sports Highlights

SCTV 11/13/2024 | Election Coverage | First Gen Celebration Day | Dance Team to Nations | Highlights

SCTV 11/6/2024 | Active Assailant Training | RLC Event | CAB Costume Contest | Storm Cloud App

SCTV 10/30/2024 | Pfeiffer remodel | Student Feature | Women's Soccer Highlights | Swim Highlights

SCTV 10/2/2024 | Ed Club | Library Patio | Light Humor | Street Painting | Football Highlights

SCTV 10/2/2024 | Fraternity Walk Night | Internship Fair | SGA Bookshelf | Sports Highlights

SCTV 10/2/2024 | K9 Dog | Study Abroad | CARs Coaching Corner | Light Humor | Sports Highlights

SCTV 9/25/2024 | RLC Event | New Refuel Station | Women's Soccer & Golf Highlights

SCTV 9/18/2024 | New Music Faculty | Tennis Coach | Greek Recruitment | Soccer & Football Highlights

SCTV 9/11/2024 | Freshman Housing | Men’s Basketball Coach | XC Highlights|Women’s Soccer Highlights