Aries: You should double-check to make sure your phone alarms are set.
Taurus: You’re living life a little too boldly. Good job!
Gemini: Write down another New Year’s resolution, you weren’t able to accomplish your original one.
Cancer: Please, please, please, drink some water, you’re dehydrated, love.
Leo: Maybe rock climbing isn’t for you, but that’s okay, it’s not for everyone.
Virgo: Stop getting distracted while doing homework and focus! We believe in you!
Libra: Should you really be doing that? Really? Think about it.
Scorpio: Maybe you should reach out first or sit and ponder some more.
Sagittarius: Turn on some Just Dance or Wii Fit, you need to get up and dust off from doing homework.
Capricorn: It’s time to pick up another hobby. The other two aren’t working, but that’s okay.
Aquarius: Time to go through that desk drawer you’ve been avoiding, maybe you’ll find your lost student ID in there.
Pisces: Take a deep breath, just because you dropped the eggs doesn’t mean there’s more at the store. (We hope there is anyways)