Aries: Your passion is inspirational; don’t beat yourself up over missed opportunities.
Taurus: Moving forward is hard. Try leaning on others– they will catch you.
Gemini: You hear the positive things people say about you, but you should believe them
Cancer: Put some of the energy you spend on others into yourself. You are worth it.
Leo: Slow down and relax. Life is not a race.
Virgo: Sometimes your rationality gets in the way. It’s okay to act on emotion.
Libra: Perfection is nice, but learning from chaos is beautiful.
Scorpio: You hold yourself to an impossible standard– it’s okay to falter sometimes.
Sagittarius: Be loud. Stop making yourself smaller to appease others.
Capricorn: Look for the little ways people say ‘I love you.’ You’ll find them abundant.
Aquarius: You’re not the odd one out. You just haven’t found the right people yet.
Pieces: Don’t let your dreams run away from you. Idealism is okay in small doses.