KSTM Spotlight: The voices behind NewsClash

News Clash is one of several shows featured on KSTM, Simpson Student Media’s very own radio station.
February 9, 2022
This week’s KSTM show spotlight is on NewsClash and its hosts Caleb Geer and Max Diaz.
Geer is a sophomore and majors in marketing communications with a minor in psychology. Diaz is also a sophomore and majors in computer science with a minor in computer information systems. Geer is also The Simpsonian’s Copy Editor.
Geer created NewsClash during the 2021 spring semester. Originally, he was on his own for about a month before bringing in cohost Diaz.
“We always have interesting conversations about news and I was like, ‘[You] know, doing this alone sucks.’” Geer said. “I think it would be a lot more interesting to have Max’s opinion.”
Geer and Diaz cover everything from the national level down to the latest at Simpson College. Their lighthearted takes about the news provide a different perspective of events around us.
While Geer makes a point of his political affiliation, “Politically we lean a little bit right but I try to keep everything pretty reasonable.”
Max likes to bring the humor, “I go over the top, it’s just like a whole act. It’s just to make people laugh [and] sometimes I’ll say things that are a little bit exaggerated.”
There could be many complications running a live show, but the big problem these guys have is watching the time.
“Knowing when to stop, that’s the thing for me,” Diaz said. “I just go off on a ramble and Caleb tells me ‘Hey don’t you think we’ve gone a little bit too far? We’re like an hour and 20 minutes in.”
A great conversation can always go on for hours but for them, they try to make it into a consumable amount for their audience.
“Being able to go in and have a good conversation but having it to where people can listen and see these ridiculous ideas that maybe they have thought about themselves,” Geer said.
“I think the best part is being able to express yourself,” Diaz said. “For most of us there’s not usually an outlet other than doing an ironic post on TikTok, that’s about it. But having an open mic and talking to another human being on the radio, it’s a different feeling for me.”
Tune in to their next show on KSTM 88.9 the Storm from 6-7 p.m. on Fridays or stream on Spotify at any time.