Perfect Score for ‘Easy A’


by Hanna Russmann

There’s no doubt in my mind that you have seen the commercials and previews for Easy A. Olive, played by Emma Stone says, “‘A’ is for awesome!” And it’s true.

 Easy A has a great cast headed by Emma Stone, Penn Badgely and Amanda Bynes.  It keeps you laughing and puts a romantic spin on a rumor you wouldn’t consider very romantic.

Stone plays the leading lady, Olive, who accidentally starts a promiscuous rumor about herself and decides just to go with it.  Stone does a wonderful job playing off of her co-stars and making you feel as though Olive is someone you could be friends with, which increases the empathy you feel for her during the movie.

Olive’s high school crush, Woodchuck Todd, is played by the good-looking Penn Badgley, who proves that there are still some knights in shining armor out there.  He disregards the rumors and falls for the girl anyway, despite her wide spread reputation.  Not to mention, Badgley looks pretty good in just about everything he wears, and I mean everything. But, I will let you watch the movie to see what I mean.

Amanda Bynes changes up roles in Easy A.  Instead of being the lovable, quirky protagonist we are used to seeing her play, she plays Marianne, the antagonist you love to hate. Bynes’ role as Marianne keeps you laughing during the entire movie, and even more so when she interacts with our heroine, Olive.

Easy A is easy to watch with a simple plot line and comic relief at every turn.  Between Olive, her parents and all of the stuff she gets herself into in between – the comedy just keeps on coming. You’ll want to watch it again and again.  I personally found Olive’s relationship with her parents and her brother to be the funniest part of the movie.

Olive’s narration on her situation is beyond refreshing. You don’t just get to hear a voice as she comments on her life, but you see her as she speaks. This adds a dynamic quality that is not usually seen in movies narrated by the main character.

 This movie has something for everyone, unless you are against movies centered on the unrealistic portrayal of the dramas and happenings of high school.

To the guys out there who don’t think this movie is for them, I would say you are mistaken because the theater was packed with both guys and girls. One could argue that the guys were dragged to the theater by their girlfriends, but within the first five minutes they were into it.  You could hear the guys laughing and could tell that it was just as entertaining for them as it was for everyone else.

If you’re still skeptical then the outrageous, not school appropriate outfits that Stone wears as Olive that might grab your attention.