Shooting club ‘just like any other org’

December 7, 2011
The mission statement of the newly formed Simpson Shooting Sports Club states that it is an organization that “promotes safe and responsible participation in shooting sports.”
However, the recent purchase of a gun safe seems to have stirred some controversial conversation around campus.
Not only has the purchase of a gun safe been a controversial issue across campus, but there has been some debate about the club itself.
As the secretary of the club and someone who has enjoyed shooting sports for many years, it is nice to have an outlet at school where I can practice my hobby in a safe environment, surrounded by my peers who also enjoy the same recreational activity.
After hearing some of the opposition to this new student organization, I am disappointed that parts of the Simpson campus are not more open to this new club. We are a large club already, with 50 plus members that have shown interest or already participated in an event.
Just like any other student organization, this club is an outlet for students to participate and get involved in something that they are interested in.
Some may argue that a shooting sports club is completely different than other student organizations, but in the end it serves the same purpose. Even though shooting sports involve firearms, it is one of the safest recreational activities.
Safety always comes first at any shooting event. Not only does it come first, it is the overriding concentration of any activity.
Since the initial formation of the shooting sports club, the first priority has been safety.
Financially, getting started was not easy. Shooting sports are not cheap, and to be safe the first item the club decided to be purchase was a gun safe. Many students, both male and female, would like to hunt or participate in recreational shooting throughout the academic year.
In order to allow students to participate in these activities in the surrounding area, there needs to be a safe place to keep student’s firearms, hence the need for a gun safe.
One fact that most people may not know is that Simpson already owned a small gun safe for student firearms or valuables prior to the formation of the club. However, it was not adequate to fill the club’s projected need.
The Simpson College handbook states: “Possession of any weapon such as, but not limited to, knives, rifles, shotguns, handguns, air guns, bb guns and ammunition, including explosives (e.g. – firecrackers), is prohibited while on college owned or controlled property.”
With the purchase of a gun safe, approved by campus administration and officials, students would be able to keep their firearms in a safe and controlled area that is regulated by campus security.
The proposed policy regarding the storage of firearms in the new gun safe is very strict.
This is to ensure that the firearms are kept safe, for the peace of mind of the owners, as well as other members of the Simpson College community.
The safe will be housed in a locked room in the Physical Plant, the keys to the room and the combination to the safe will be controlled by public safety.
Students will be able to check out their guns at designated times prior to club events or by appointment if they are going hunting or shooting independently of the club.
During the check out process, students will have to show some form of identification to a public safety officer in order to ensure that they are receiving the correct firearm.
Public safety reserves the right to deny the release of a firearm to its owner if the public safety officer feels that they are in some way going to be a danger to themselves or others.
The gun safe will be a safe way for students to participate in shooting club and is a necessary purchase in order to keep the shooting club going at Simpson.
I feel that this is a necessary safety precaution being taken by club members and by campus officials.
Just like any other student organization, the shooting sports club is providing a fun and safe outlet for students to participate in an activity in which they are interested. The only difference is that members of our club are interested in the shooting sports.
Madison is a sophomore integrated marketing communications major. She is a Simpsonian staff writer, a member of Pi Beta Phi, is vice president of marketing for Greek Life and secretary of the Simpson Shooting Sports Club.