Campus Day: More than just a day off
April 4, 2019
Campus Day is more than just a day to relax and without classes—it’s a day to give back to Indianola.
By having a day designated to volunteering for the community, Simpson students, staff and faculty help people around the community who wouldn’t be able to rake their own leaves are able to get the help they need. Overall, it helps make the community look nicer.
Campus Day also casts Simpson in a positive light in the eyes of nearby community members. If the Simpson community takes a day out of its schedule, it shows the college cares about the community and wants to give back. In turn, people will think more positively about the college.
In recent years, however, students have been using Campus Day as just a day to party or take a day off school to goof off. The entire campus should not be held accountable for these people’s actions, but the college should also take steps to involve more people in community service efforts. One way Simpson could do this is by making Campus Day be mandatory for people to volunteer. This would also increase the impact on the community and hopefully prevent people from staying out and partying the night before.
Previously, Campus Day used to not be scheduled. The professors would run through the dorms at 7 a.m. banging pots and pans yelling that it was Campus Day. Although annoying, this approach definitely cut down on the number of parties that took place beforehand.
Instead of reverting back to the pots and pans approach, Simpson could send out a text stating that classes were canceled due to Campus Day. This could also help avoid weather conflicts.
Campus Day should not be a tradition that is thrown away. It’s a day to give back to the community and promote Simpson in a positive light. Campus Day is more than just a day to slack off and party.