Faculty Passes May Term Changes During Monthly Meeting
October 21, 2010
The faculty meeting held in Camp Lounge on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 19 was the site of many discussions referring to the potential changes in the class schedule next year along with the new engaged citizenship curriculum.
What was on the agenda?
The main issue brought forth that may be most interesting to students was the passing of a modified class schedule recommendation that will go on to the administration.
The administration ultimately has the final say in how the college’s class schedule will be, however, faculty have the opportunity to put in its say as to how it thinks it should look.
Kedron Bardwell, professor and chair of the department of political science, presented the “recommendation to the administration” to Dean for Academic Affairs Steve Griffith.
The proposed altered class schedule will have Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes beginning at 8 a.m. and ending at 9 a.m., along with the rest of the classes on those days going for an entire hour. This is in accordance with classes being four credit hours under the new curriculum that is planning to be fully implemented next fall.
Associate Professor of English CoryAnne Harrigan proposed an amendment to the class schedule before recommending it to the administration, which was passed. The amendment was to have the only class time slot that was 50 minutes instead of an entire hour be changed to an entire hour like the rest of the class time slots on the Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The details of where those extra 10 minutes were not addressed; however, it will be left up to the administration.
Chair and Professor of Mathematics Murphy Waggoner proposed to add time blocks at the end of each day, which would allow opportunities for other classes to be scheduled at those times. The amendment proposal was met with some opposition, and the amendment did not pass 47 percent to 53 percent.
The other issue of interest to students is that beginning next year students will only be required to take two May term courses. Students this year are required to fulfill their May term requirements.
The reason the new May term option is not being implemented this year, according to Waggoner, is because students have already received financial aid packages for the year.
“Beginning in 2011-2012 (students) will only have to complete two May terms to graduate,” Waggoner said.
However, in the future students who wish to take part in three or four May terms during their time at Simpson will be more than welcome to do so. Taking three or four May terms instead of the required two will not see a higher tuition rate.
The vote for the May term changes, which would require students to only take two May term courses, passed 92 percent to 8 percent.
This year’s commencement will be held in May, as it has traditionally been. Next year’s commencement will be held in April. Seniors within a certain number of credit hours will still be able to participate in graduation activities while also taking a May term course following commencement.