FlipSide Face – Jason Uhlenhake

November 6, 2010
Among the dedicated members of the Athletic Training Department, Jason Uhlenhake, head athletic trainer, is a key component in keeping Simpson’s student-athletes healthy and on their respective fields or courts.
“Very few people understand and realize the amount of time and energy he puts into his job every single day,” Head Wrestling Coach Clint Manny said. “Without Jason and the A.T. staff, Simpson’s athletic department would not be the same.”
Uhlenhake’s activities vary from day to day. His time is spent teaching, treating and rehabilitating athletes, providing coverage at practices and evaluating injuries and treating athletes after practices. Not only that, but Uhlenhake is the head baseball coach at Simpson.
Junior baseball player Colton Calvert said not only is Uhlenhake laid back, competitive, and funny, but he is also an incredibly hard worker.
“He is very influential,” Calvert said. “If anything bad were to happen to me on the field of play I would feel much better with him being there.”
Assistant Athletic Trainer Calvin Busby also said Uhlenhake is a hard worker, and adds that he is a role model for new athletic trainers and a “positive asset to the program.”
What does Uhlenhake say about his work at Simpson? Interacting with student-athletes, as well as seeing and helping with all of the behind-the-scene work is the best part of the job.
“I love coming up with creative solutions to injuries to get athletes back to the field sooner,” Uhlenhake said.
Before coming to Simpson, Uhlenhake attended graduate school at the University of Iowa, followed by working at Iowa City High School.