Floro and Ginger Know Best

by Erin Floro & Julia Robinson

What should I do for my sweetheart for Valentine’s Day?


Oh, Valentine’s Day.  Know what that means? V Cards, yeah the one that goes on the mantle at home.

What can you do for her?

Guys: Alright, she wants to wake up to breakfast in bed. You better make those heart-shaped pink pancakes, OK thanks. 

Next, lay a trail of roses to her first class. You need to let all of Simpson College know how special she is. You know she’s going to check her mail after class, so there better be flowers there, too. Might as well get her two-dozen because everyone else gets a dozen, and she’s more special. 

Tip: If you want to get laid, hand deliver roses to all of her classes. There are only a few more days to order that sky blimp that displays “I HEART YOU!” 

Know what would really make the sparks fly? Having a candlelit dinner at Pfieffer Dining Hall. Since you already cooked her breakfast, you can take a break.

Last but not least, you cannot forget the Build-A-Bear: just make sure you record a special message inside. To top the day off, get a 3-man-band to sing her “You’re Beautiful” by James Blunt.

What can you do for him?

Girls: First, cut hearts in your shirt. Then pick out all of the “Marry Me” sayings from your batch of conversation hearts.

Guys love it when you talk about your feelings, your future plans and how many kids you want, so fill him in on all of these things. If the heart-to-heart discussions end too soon to call it a night – resort to the go-to movie: The Notebook. The sappy love story will leave you both in tears and craving one another’s attention.

Sense my sarcasm, please.  If you do any of this, I’ll make fun of you.  This is Hallmark’s holiday.

But in all honesty, here’s the real panty dropper in my opinion-carnations, dinner at Taco Bell, drink specials, and receiving a sweet present – candy skimpies.


Yes, it’s that time of year again – Valentine’s Day is only a few days away. Guys and girls all over the world are buying presents and planning special evenings with their sweethearts. Don’t know what to do for the “special someone” in your life? Well, maybe I can help.

Guys: Girls. Love. Romance. It’s a fact!

Let’s be honest: it doesn’t take much to make us happy on Valentine’s Day, as long as it seems like you care and put a little thought into it! There are so many things a guy can do for a girl on Valentine’s Day that there should be no reason why you can’t please your sweetheart!

If you and your lady aren’t too serious yet, or you’re just not looking to spend much, simply the question, “Will you be my Valentine?” is sure to make any girl smile. Try giving her a single flower instead of an expensive bouquet, and renting a lovey-dovey movie like “Serendipity” or “10 Things I Hate About You.”

If you’re really looking to impress the girl you’re falling for, try something a little more thoughtful. Keep in mind, though, this doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be more expensive. Fancy dinners at pricy restaurants are nice, but nothing beats a homemade card or surprising her with flowers – at her 10:00 a.m. class.

Girls: I’m guessing your guy isn’t praying for you to take him out for a candlelit dinner, so try to look at things through his eyes. What does he like? Try and plan a date that he will truly enjoy being on. Whether it’s your favorite thing to do or not, at least you’re making him happy!

If you’re looking to get creative with your “gift,” try sending him sexy texts throughout the day and then surprising him with some new lingerie that night. What guy isn’t going to like that? If you’re looking to keep it cheap, write him a letter telling him all the reasons why he’s your Valentine. Even the most unromantic guy will enjoy reading good things about himself.