A word from CAB

This letter to the editor is in response to the events surrounding Simpson’s Got Talent on Saturday, Feb. 12. The program, Simpson’s Got Talent, was developed as an opportunity for Simpson students to showcase the extraordinary talents that so many of them possess.

The previous two years were positively received by the campus and the quality of the student performances continued to improve. This year was to be no different as we prepared for the program. Unfortunately on the night of the show, a small segment of those in attendance, some of which were Simpson students and some of which apparently were not, chose to use this as an opportunity to show how little respect and regard they have not only for their fellow students, but also for the larger campus community of Simpson College.

This not only frustrated and angered us as presenters of the program, but is also frustrated and angered many who were in attendance. As is typical in most settings, it is not usually the majority of people who tarnish the experience for others, but a smaller group who clearly have no other interest but to waste their experience here at Simpson by spoiling a good program that brings so many different students together in celebration of their respective talents.

First off, we feel obligated to publically apologize for some of your fellow students who felt like the time was right to act more immature than your average third grader. Please know that since Simpson’s Got Talent, we have been looking for ways to improve the program and provide an atmosphere where ALL students are proud and welcomed to perform in front of their friends and other students.

Should we choose to continue this program, we will be evaluating how this program is presented and will be putting in place steps to ensure that ALL performers are respected before, during and after their performance.

Second, if you were among the small group of students who so poorly represented what Simpson College is about at Simpson’s Got Talent, if this is how you intend to come to future programs presented by CAB or any other group on campus, please reconsider.

Better yet – don’t come at all.

There are more than enough great Simpson College students who would gladly fill your seats and who would definitely show so much more class than you did as well as respect ALL of the students in the audience, on stage and who were working hard to present the program to you.

Please don’t let the behaviors of a minority of students spoil the experiences for the majority of Simpson College students. The time is right for students to step up and help those who apparently know no better, find out what the real Simpson College is like. What we saw from these individuals is not what the real Simpson College is like.

Finally, thank you to many of the performers who were willing to put it all out there when they didn’t have to. Thank you for your talents, time and energy.

Should CAB choose to present this program in the future, please consider participating again. We will do everything in our power to present a better show. We just hope some of your fellow students are up to the challenge to be a better audience.


Simpson College Campus Activities Board