Tuition dollars won’t buy you a classroom
April 1, 2011
Next year’s tuition dollars will get you many things; however, it won’t necessarily get you a classroom.
The new campus center construction will be underway by this summer, and let’s be honest: it’s much needed. The multi-leveled Brenton Student Center (BSC) looks as if an architect threw-up and what we got was a mixture of steps, offices and oh yes, a real freaking tree.
Despite how much we hate to see the tree go – we’re ready to welcome in a state-of-the-art facility. But, at what cost?
According to The Simpsonian’s article this week about moving offices out of the BSC, plans are in order to move them into the basement of Smith Memorial Chapel, which in turn will potentially move those classroom spaces to modular buildings.
That might be hard for the Admissions Office to swing.
We know there is not a great solution to solve the space problem that will be presented next year while the college will be in limbo waiting for a new campus center, however, is that idea the best one? Hopper Gymnasium will be home to many different offices and activities while student activities will most likely take a back seat – as they should. However, doesn’t moving once make more sense than moving twice?
We know, Simpson is pressed for space. Unless Indianola and the college agree to mark off C Street for the year or God mysteriously creates more space on campus, whatever the college decides will probably not be ideal for anyone.
These potential modular buildings could be placed in the parking lots behind Washington and Clinton Apartments. This obviously raises questions about student parking not only year-round but also in the case of snow ordinances. Students need to be asking questions about these soon-to-be-implemented plans.
All in all – we’ll survive. Eventually, Simpson will have a beautiful new campus center that we all can enjoy, modular buildings will be only a thought in our memories and things will be back to normal.