How to get the best out of Halloween this year
October 18, 2011
With Halloween quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking of ways to make this year better than ever. Around this time of year, students often get caught up competitions like having the coolest costume or going to the best parties. But that isn’t what Halloween is all about. To save money, energy and your liver, try out these new and improved Halloween activities.
One word: Bedazzle.
Before going out and buying a new costume, take a look at what you’ve worn in the past and see if there’s anything you can work with. Revamping an old outfit is the perfect way to cut costs but still have a costume that turns heads. Grab your wallet and head to the local Dollar Store. Things you’ll want to look for are colored felt, beads, fabric paint, feathers and duct tape. With a little imagination, you can turn any old costume into something great. Costumes are expensive and you can use the money you save for more important things.
It’s all about the atmosphere.
The week of Halloween, get into the spirit by decorating your room, apartment or dorm hall. Setting out a few cobwebs, Jack-o-lanterns or big furry spiders will trigger the Halloween thrill we all had when we were kids. Get a group together to paint “Happy Halloween” posters, and spread the excitement around to others. Gather a few friends to help you and it becomes a great new way to bond. You can share things about your favorite past Halloweens, plan out your costumes or even tell about weird things that have happened to you.
Use the holiday to give back.
Halloween is not typically a night where people are concerned with giving to your community. If you’re looking to do something that’s more than the typical costume party, brainstorm ways you can help local charities. While your friends are out showing off their costumes, show off your big heart by visiting the
children’s wing at the hospital. There will surely be kids just wishing they could be out trick-or-treating. Perhaps bring a couple sets of bunny ears or toy swords and give them a chance to use their imaginations. Don’t forget the face paint and candy and you’ll give them a Halloween they won’t ever forget.
Spice up old traditions.
When you think of Halloween carving pumpkins surely comes to mind. If you find yourself tired of the same old boring routines, there are many ways to change them up. Instead of carving a pumpkin, grab some puff paint, glitter glue and fabric for a new and improved Jack (or) Jill-o-lantern. Not only can you make it a competition for the best pumpkin person, doing it this way is less work because you don’t have to carve out the seeds and guts.
Steer away from sugar.
Handing out candy to kids is another way people often celebrate Halloween, but do those growing kids really need all that sugar? Instead of breaking your bank on candy, try a healthier (and cheaper) approach to ensure these kids have a great night. Think outside the box and take a trip to the local craft store. Young ones are just as excited to receive a sticker as they would be to get a Snickers, and what kid wouldn’t be happy to wear a spider ring to wear around all night? While a bit more expensive, buying sparkly shoe laces in bulk to give out are a fun way to bring in the Halloween spirit. If you insist on handing out some sort of treat, opt for applesauce cups or bags of homemade trail mix. Their parents will appreciate you looking out for their child’s health.
Plan an elementary-style party.
Instead of the traditional kind of Halloween party, involving slutty costumes and lots of alcohol, plan a bash that will bring back the same spirit we all had in elementary school. Instead of alcohol, serve green punch out of a skeleton bowl. For snacks, try making healthier things like caramel apples or homemade pretzels in the shape of a broom stick. Be creative. We’re college students now, so we can get away with
doing things that were once not cool in middle school. This type of party allows everyone to feel like a kid again.
Have a safe and happy Halloween Simpson College.