Pfeiffer Survival Guide: Chef on Fire-the new Pfeiffer favorite


A few weeks ago we brought your attention to the one of the new wonders of Pfeiffer: Pie Day Friday.

Although this highly celebrated event is wonderful, glorious, and most importantly back, it is not the best thing to happen at Pfeiffer under the new administration. Chef-on Fire is.

You might think differently but a recent Gallup poll shows that Chef on Fire wins by the largest of margins. (See chart.) Randomly selected Simpson students participated in the survey.  

Eric Dickson flips omelets, builds burgers, sautés mashed potatoes, fries stir and slowly but surely has entered our hearts. 

People love standing in line and listening to the stories he tells. This sky-diving, marathon running, native New Yorker has more than enough tales to keep even the most impatient student entertained.

So if you have a few extra minutes to wait for your food and few minutes to enjoy it, please, take the time to see the chef light a fire. You’ll be glad you did.

The length of the line is sometimes an issue, especially on stir-fry and omelet days. Some good home remedies to this are as follows:

·       Try to leave class a little early. Are you really going to learn anything in the last five minutes anyway?

·       Sprint to Pfeiffer pushing everyone out of your path as you do.

·       Grab a plate of pizza and fires before getting in line. Anything you eat standing up doesn’t count so why not load up before enjoying a delicious Chef on Fire entrée.

·       Chat with the people around you. You already have something to break the ice: you both like whatever food you’re waiting in line for. It’s not the best opening line, but it’ll do and you will get to meet someone new!

These are all simple solutions you can try, or you can stand there and be antisocial.

Whether or not you realize it, the way we eat in Pfeiffer has been revolutionized.

No longer will we be satisfied with the same pizza, soup, and salad bar. Personalized service with a smile and a story has become the norm and I don’t think we as a campus will ever be able to go back.