Season cut short after first round loss

by Olu Rotibi

After a season, which was filled with consistent high and low points, the Simpson women soccer team ended its season with a first round loss in the Iowa Conference Tournament against Central College Oct. 27.

The Storm finished the season 9-9 and 2-5 in IIAC.

The season consisted of moments where the Storm overachieved and underachieved as a team. Head coach Ryan Sander felt his team could have finished the season with a different result, especially for his senior class.

“This is not the way we wanted to end our season,” Sander said. “The loss is going to sting for a while, but I think our seniors deserved a better exit after what they have given to this program.”

Although the season had its down moments, there were some bright spots. The Storm made the conference tournament for the fifth consecutive year in a row. Senior goalkeeper Megan Petersen finished her career at Simpson ranked second in program history in both saves and shutouts with 314 and 18, respectively. She also finished third in wins with 31.

In addition, sophomores Amber Johnson and Heather Adolph finished the season tied tenth in the Iowa conference in goals with seven. Senior defenders Chelsea Wineguard and Kara Lovik helped lead a defense which ranked third in the Iowa Conference in goals allowed.

The Storm will lose key part of their defense with seniors Ashlee Krider, Jess Toyne, Megan Petersen, Chelsea Winegard, Susan Leslie, Kasey McCreary and Kara Lovik. Lovik was disappointed with how the season ended but is proud of her team’s effort this season.

“It was very disappointing that we ended so suddenly,” Lovik said. “I loved our team this year and the way our coaches pushed us to always do our best.” “I will definitely miss playing with everyone next year.”

Adolph is going to miss the team unity and bonding from this year’s ball club.

“We had amazing team chemistry this season,” Adolph said. “We had a competitive group of girls who worked hard all season long.”

Sander will miss his seniors and the journey they’ve experienced in their previous seasons.

“I will miss their leadership and personalities the most.” Sander said. “They all have come a long ways since meeting them 3 years ago both on and off the field.”

Sander hopes next year’s team will benefit from this years’ experience.

“I think there were some good lessons learned,” Sander said. “We get two-thirds of our roster back for next year which is always encouraging.”