Opinion: Confessions of a College Senior


College changes people; it’s a time for self-discovery.

I’m not the same person I was four years ago upon entering college. I’ve changed drastically, but I think that’s okay. College is a time to truly discover who you are and what you want out of life. I used to have this plan—a plan I thought was concrete. After I graduated high school, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to accomplish and what I wanted out of life. My goal was to finish college in three years, get married and start having kids right away. I was in this big rush to figure out my future and to start living my life. Here we are not three, but four years later and my supposed “life plan” has drastically changed.

With approximately seven weeks left of my college career, I’m beginning to realize how much I wish time could just slow down or even stop for just a few seconds. But that’s life, right? Eventually we all grow up and are forced to move on. That’s inevitable. This thought is extremely exciting, yet terrifying at the same time. My plans post college are basically nonexistent at this point. I’m aggressively searching for a job, but having minimal luck; I have no concrete plans come May. As graduation rapidly approaches, the thought of me not knowing what’s next for me, scares me. However, I know Simpson has provided me with a solid foundation and has prepared me for the next chapter of my life.

I’ve been satisfied with the experiences I’ve had at Simpson. I’ve met some of the most amazing people—people I’m sure will be in my life for many years to come. These people have been instrumental in unlocking my full potential, and for that I’m truly grateful. They’ve helped me realize that even though I’ve changed and so have my goals, that it’s normal. That’s what college is all about. Finding your own path on your own time. So with that, I leave all of you future seniors with a little advice I wish I’d been given my first year at Simpson.

My advice to you is to not be in such a rush to get out of here. Take it from someone who’s been there; you’ll regret it. Stay up until 4 a.m. bonding with your roommate. Drink a little too much on Thirsty Thursday. Take obscure classes outside of your major. Discover what you want and what you’re interested in, and don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do. This is your time and you shouldn’t be in such a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your time at college while you still can, because most of us only get four years.

My advice to you is to not take college for granted. College is rough. It’s both emotionally and physically draining, but it’s worth it. A majority of the time we aren’t sure if we’re going to make it, but trust me, it’ll be okay. You will make it.

My last piece of advice for you is to be selfish and learn all that you can while you’re here. Don’t compromise your education with dramatic relationships and things that won’t matter when you graduate. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be building relationships and making friends, because you should. Your college friends will become your lifelong friends. My point is don’t sacrifice doing what makes you happy based on other people’s opinions about it. Find your passion and pursue it.

The four years you’re in college should be spent pursuing your passions and finding yourself. Take advantage of it and cherish it, because it’s over before you know it.