Second annual PiK Run celebrates all things pi

by Kylee Hereid, reporter

Simpson College students gathered Monday evening to run in honor of Pi Day during the second annual PiK Run.

The campus’ math and triathlon clubs collaborated to host the event where students ran 3.14 kilometers around campus, beginning and ending at Carver Science Center.

Kelly Bruett, senior studying mathematics and finance, founded the event last year and was a participant in this year’s race.

“We wanted to do something that would bring clubs together, promote math club and would be fun,” she said. “It’s great that more clubs are collaborating with each other to reach out to more people and make events like this happen.”

According to the Pi Day website,, pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It is an irrational and transcendental number, meaning its digits beyond the decimal point will continue infinitely without repetition or pattern.

People around the world celebrate this mathematical phenomenon on March 14 because pi is commonly summed up into 3.14. When this number is expanded slightly, it is 3.1415, making 2015 a special year to celebrate pi day.

However, according to Taylor Gehrls, math club president, Simpson usually closes campus for spring break during this day. As a result, the PiK Run takes place a few days later.

Before the race, students were given three pie related questions. Each correct answer deducted 30 seconds from their finishing race time. At the end of the race, participants were rewarded with a variety of free pie.

Mark Brodie, associate professor of computer science, participated in the race with his daughter. According to Brodie, participating in the race is not only a great way to get exercise, but it also helps promote Simpson’s math and triathlon clubs.

“My daughter came and did the run with her mom last year, but she teaches in the evening program Monday nights,” he explained. “My daughter was so enthusiastic about it, so I decided to come with her.”

Brodie’s daughter said she would continue to participate because it is fun and she gets free pie at the end.

Nathan Schneider, senior biology major, said he looked forward to the event because it promoted both math and exercise.

“I wanted to come and support the math club and it seems like it will be fun,” he said. “I don’t know if it will really be a challenge, but I skipped my run today so this will count as that.”

Schneider won second place in the race, earning a $20 gift card to Funaro’s. Meredith Harrison was awarded first place, receiving a $30 card and Michael Reuter came in third, winning $10.

The event garnered more than 15 participants, an increase from last year’s run.

“I hope people will continue to run next year and that more people will participate,” Bruett said.