Flipside: Common etiquette for social media

With summer and graduation quickly approaching, the time to apply for jobs and internships is now. You better believe employers will be searching your name on Google and looking at your social media profiles. Keep your profiles clean and professional by following these few simple tips.

Keep your private matters off Facebook and Twitter.

People tend to feel uncomfortable with relationship and other personal drama plastered all over their feeds. There’s certain information some people just don’t need to know.

Make sure the photos you’ve been tagged in are appropriate.

If photos are even questionable, delete them. Employers consider how you conduct yourself in your personal life when they decide whether or not you’re a good fit for the company. Don’t let a photo from that party you went to ruin your chances of landing that killer job or internship.

Avoid posting personal opinions about your current job.

Do yourself a favor and avoid posting about how much you might hate your job. Future employers will hesitate to hire someone who’s constantly posting about how much his or her job supposedly sucks.

Upload a professional profile picture.

Employers DO NOT want to see a photo of you at some bar with your friends holding a beer. Use a professional headshot or at least something classy and appropriate.

Post engaging content.

Start by posting relevant articles you’re passionate about that may interest your friends and other followers.

When in doubt, make your accounts private.

However, try to remember that it’s still the internet and your content is still online.