Adam Carroll speaks to Simpson students about finding their dream job

by Stephanie Woodruff, Staff Reporter

Finding your dream job is easier than you think.

Adam Carroll is a University of Northern Iowa graduate and professional speaker who has traveled to 500 colleges and Universities nationwide to talk about “Building A Bigger Life, Not a Bigger Lifestyle” and Simpson College had the privilege of being one of those schools.

On April 8, Simpson hosted a forum event for students and the public about how to create the lifestyle you want and how to reach your dream job.  Many students attended the forum to listen in on what Carroll had to say.

“I enjoyed learning about all the different ways that I can network,” Morgan Ryan, a sophomore, said. “I also really loved the activities he had us do because they were a great way to visualize what he was talking about.”

Carroll had students get up and interact with each other and wanted everyone to see just how easily you could meet people. He told students stories about people he met and how he helped them reach their goals. He encourages students to ask deeper questions like “what are you passionate about, what have you always wanted to do, what is your dream job or internship?” and with that you will know people on a deeper level and they will remember you.

Carroll also had students hold a string and connect it to others who had connections in their dream jobs. By the time he was done with the string, the whole room was linked with connections.  Christopher Nickel, a junior, said he liked how interactive it was. Zach Rathman, a senior, agreed with the interaction aspect saying, “I like how he did the connecting thing. It just showed you that someone that you may have seen every day for the last four years may actually be the connection you need to get your career.”

Even though Carroll has visited many schools, he still gets excited about talking to people. “I love to see students and young professionals succeed faster. I want to help young people today graduate with less debt and find unbelievable opportunities.”

Ryan was impressed with what Carroll had to say. “I am going to definitely use some of the things he talked about because I want to find my dream job eventually.” 

Many other students left the forum excited about their futures. Rathman said he will definitely use some of this information in the future. “I’m going to try to start getting out there to find connections for the future.”

Carroll said he came to Simpson to inspire people to find their dream jobs and to let students know their network is full of opportunities and that “all the people you pass by every day, they all have some connection for you that can help in some way.”

Carroll hopes to progress on his journey and continue to let people know that their dream job is out there and that he has found his. Be sure to keep an eye out for his documentary on student loan debt called “Broke, Busted, and Disgusted.”