Simpson College Republicans focuses on networking, getting involved

by Britteny Johnson, Staff Reporter

Simpson College has a variety of organizations on campus to suit a broad spectrum of interests. One of the many organizations available to students is the Simpson College Republicans.

“The majority of what we do would be to help college Republicans network and make connections. Being so close to Des Moines, it’s so easy to get an internship for a state party or in the capitol and all of these political campaigns,” Austin Jacobs, chair of the SC Republicans, said. “Simpson is seriously in the best position for our group to get in any campaign they want, whether it be state, federal or local.”

Freshman Emily Schwickerath, who learned about the group at OrgFest, came to her first meeting of the SC Republicans because of her interest in politics. Schwickerath is excited about the opportunities that the SC Republicans group has to offer.

Some students from SC Republicans will be volunteering the morning of Sept. 19 at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Annual Family Banquet and Presidential Forum, setting up for the dinner. Some of the students will also attend the dinner and have the chance to meet candidates.

In the past, the SC Republicans have been part of many events that allowed them to get involved in politics, including volunteering at the Iowa GOP Lincoln and Reagan dinners, the Governor’s Birthday Bash, and the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Fall and Spring picnics and dinner. Students have also worked in the governor’s office, on Senate campaigns and Congressional and local campaigns. Jacobs likes to mention one volunteer opportunity in particular that pitted Simpson College against Drake University.

“We had a call night. It was us versus the Drake University’s College Republicans and we called twice as many people as Drake did,” Jacobs said. “We called just shy of 1000 people and they called just over 400 people.”

The SC Republicans had the opportunity for Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann to come and speak with them at their first meeting. Kaufmann had much to say about the importance of students like those in SC Republicans.

“I believe in young people! The average age of the people that turned this party (Republican) around is you,” Kaufmann said as he pointed to the group of students gathered around him. Before leaving, Kaufmann mentioned that he would always be willing to talk to the SC Republicans if they got in touch with him.

Jacobs said that he would like to fit several more speakers into the agenda this semester.

“Bringing in these different speakers, whether it be a state party chair or the governor or a presidential candidate, they all bring in inspiration and insight. I feel that they can fire up our group and help get our group involved and active in politics,” Jacobs said. “These speakers bring a connection from Simpson to a future employment or a future campaign.”

All students are welcome to come to the meetings that are held every two to three weeks. The meetings are usually held at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. For more information, students can follow the SC Republicans on Twitter at @SimpCOCRs or on Facebook at Simpson College Republicans.