Theater program presents “Little Women”

Submitted to the Simpsonian

Performances will take place Nov 18-20 at Simpson’s Blank Performing Arts Center in Pote Theater.

by Cash Lee, Staff Reporter

Simpson Productions prepares for its second show of the year with a heartfelt yet comedic performance of “Little Women.” 

“Little Women” was originally a novel written by Louisa Alcott in 1868 and is based on her life and family. Simpson Productions will present a new adaptation of the story by Kate Hamill, but it still tells the life of Jo March, played by Wendy Soto, and her three sisters during the Civil War era. The women grapple with poverty, restrictive gender roles, politics and love as they navigate through life together. 

The show is known as a complete theatrical experience and is sure to bring laughter, tears and a lifting of the spirit. Senior Allison Crain, who plays Meg March, discussed what to expect.

“Expect to laugh, maybe cry; it’s a coming-of-age story and a story about real people experiencing life. So, get ready for a journey as you follow the characters through their hardships and everyday problems of the 1800s.” 

The cast and crew have been working on the show since Sept., and they will soon get to show everyone how talented they are. 

Senior Carson Clark, who plays Theodore Laurence, talked about being able to perform this show. 

“It’s always an honor to perform no matter how big your role or how many lines you have, and this show, in particular, has a great message behind it, so I can’t wait for the performance,” he said.

A lot of preparation goes into these shows, with the cast members and crew meeting four to five days a week for around three hours a day. Memorizing lines outside of rehearsal and costume fittings are just a few examples of the dedication that goes into the shows. 

“We start the process by getting familiar with the script, then we memorize lines, then we get into blocking, which is learning where everyone goes on stage and then developing your character and figuring out how to interact with other characters is a final step for performers,” Crain said. “It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s fun, and it pays off in the end when you get to perform in front of the audience.” 

Performances will take place Nov 18-20 at Simpson’s Blank Performing Arts Center in Pote Theater. The opening show on Friday will begin at 7:30 p.m. as well as the show on Saturday, with a 2 o’clock matinee for the final presentation on Sunday. 

Tickets are available on Simpson Production’s webpage now. Adult tickets are $9, non-Simpson students and senior tickets are $7, and Simpson staff and students have free admission with their ID cards.  

The Productions team is excited and ready to provide magnificent entertainment to Simpson’s community. Come to a show and see if you can find out, “how do you stay true to yourself when the world wants you to become a perfect little woman?”