Senior grows through environmental science program
Senior Logan Lockard conducting research on small mammals at Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge
October 20, 2021
Logan Lockard was one of the rare types of students who knew exactly what he wanted to do when he came to Simpson. One of the reasons he feels fortunate to have gone to Simpson is due to the one-on-one connection he’s been able to have with his professors.
“Coming to Simpson, I knew my career path and my professors have helped me along the way to achieve these goals,” Lockard said. “The smaller size allowed for more one-on-one time to meet with my professors, which helped me flourish at Simpson. I appreciate my professors increasing my love and passion for my career goals.”
Lockard has been heavily involved with the Environmental Science program while at Simpson.
He has been part of several research programs on campus, which have allowed him to gain valuable experience in his field of study.
“I was a part of the SCER program on campus where I was able to do research with a partner on bat and insect species in Iowa,” Lockard said. “This helped me gain some experience in the field and learn about how I want to facilitate my future. Another research experience I have currently is working with small mammals at Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge on re-introduced prairie with my advisor. This is another opportunity I am grateful for because I am allowed to gain more experience for my future.”
Lockard also holds an executive position in the Sustainability Club. His time in the Sustainability Club has allowed him to connect with people who share similar passions as him and gain valuable leadership experience.
If Lockard could change one thing about his time at Simpson, it would have been being more active in the Simpson community.
Lockard’s advice for underclassmen is to stay focused in school and realize your effort and time genuinely improves your mindset for future classes or career opportunities.
“Also, enjoy your time at Simpson,” he said.
After graduating, Lockard plans to attend graduate school to become a wildlife biologist.