Veteran’s Corner

Photo submitted by Dustin Teays

by Bailey Earls, Staff Reporter

November is National Veterans and Military Families Month. Simpson College recognizes and supports military personnel and veterans for their service. This week’s spotlight is alumni Dustin Teays.

What is your hometown and where did you go to high school?

Humeston, Iowa and Moorman Trail High School.

What branch did you serve in? When did you join?

I was in the United States Army Reserve. I joined my junior year of high school in Sept. 2011 and served till Sept. 2019.

What has your experience been like? Do you have any memories of your experience?

I went straight out of high school into basic training (BT). There I met many people from different states and different backgrounds. It really helped me become comfortable with meeting new people and even find some of my closest friends. Not long after BT, I was deployed to Afghanistan, where we checked for IEDs. It is different to actually put everything you learn and train for into use. Everything I saw and experienced in my deployment I hold close. It is not something I regret doing. It has shaped who I am today, including the values of duty, respect, and honor.

Why did you enlist?

It was a family thing. I saw what my Dad and siblings did, and it was something I wanted to do too. My brother and sister were both in the Military and served in Afghanistan, and my Dad was in the Marines.

How or why did you choose Simpson?

I started my college education at Indian Hills studying criminal justice. I didn’t think it was still something I wanted to do, so I decided to go to a four-year college and study multimedia journalism. Simpson is a great college for veterans by providing a lot of benefits. I liked how the campus was small. I could have personal relationships with my professors and classmates. I really liked the small feel and personability Simpson has.

When did/will you graduate college?

I graduated in May of 2019.

Any advice for those who are considering service?

It is important to do it for the right reasons. Whether it is a family thing, to help pay for college, or it is something you have always wanted to do. It is something you should really think about, especially due to the likelihood of being deployed. Once you are in, it’s a done deal. You can be serious, do your job, and still have fun with it.