Sororities prepare for online recruitment

Screenshot of Remo, the online application used for sorority recruitment this year.

by Chase Thurston, Staff Reporter

Recruitment will look a little different this year at Simpson College due to everything being done virtually for COVID-19. 

With the college still in the ‘orange phase’ of its COVID-19 plan, Greek houses are significantly impacted. No in-person events or gatherings makes it challenging to determine who is interested in Greek Life.

Panhellenic president Bailey Peterson said, “Right now we have a good amount of girls signed up, more than we anticipated from the beginning. We aren’t entirely sure how the numbers are gonna be impacted.”  

According to Peterson, the biggest challenge of online recruitment is the lack of in-person interaction and familiarization with sorority members during other recruitment seasons. 

“In the past, we had events like Greek barbecue where we had all the chapters out being ready to talk to people who were interested in Greek Life,” Peterson said. 

While in-person events are preferred, Peterson says that some online features may be implemented in the future to ease the process where applicable. 

“A lot of it will revert back to the in-person things, just because it’s easier to get to know a house,” She said. “In the next couple of years, I think they’ll integrate some of the online stuff just to give as an option for recruitment, but I do think we will revert back to some of the in-person types of processes.”

If or when Simpson enters the yellow phase, Greek Life will be allowed to put on socially distanced events.

Online recruitment will take place on Sept. 11-13. Students can sign up using the link