Women’s and Gender Resource Center plans for Women’s History Month

by Miles Leonard, Staff Reporter

The Women’s and Gender Resource Center (WGRC) has new events planned for campus this semester.

The largest event the housemates have planned this semester is March Menstrual Madness. This event will be happening towards the middle of March and will be done with the Women’s History Month events. 

“[March Menstrual Madness is] an all-campus event focusing on the different menstruation products in order to destigmatize the natural process,” said Cheyenne Vanlandingham, a housemate at the WGRC.

The event will also have discussions on the pink tax, which is a tax put on female hygiene products and other products marketed to women. 

Simpson College’s website describes the WGRC as, “A comfortable and supportive environment that encourages awareness and discussion of women’s and gender issues.” The house is not only housing but also a community center for the campus.

Woke Wednesdays, an event where a themed topic is chosen and discussed, started last semester and will be continuing this semester. According to Cheyenne Vanlandingham, attendance to Woke Wednesdays was regular with between 10-20 attendees.

Keep an eye out for events all throughout the month of March.