Senior Spotlight: Walker Mask

(Photo: Jayde Vogeler/The Simpsonian)

by Mariah Hirsch, Staff Reporter

From research to band to expanding organizations in Simpson College’s community, the opportunities are endless for senior Walker Mask.

With a double major in chemistry and mathematics, Mask is set to graduate in spring 2017. Throughout his junior year, Mask spent a large chunk of time working on research in drug design and assisting with research in physics.

Aside from academics, Mask’s passions also lie in extracurricular activities on campus. During the past four years, he has performed in the symphonic band and holds an executive member position in the recently formed Simpson College Feminists club. He said his proudest accomplishment during his time at Simpson, however, is growing the PRIDE community.

“When I joined the group my first year, we were only a handful of people,” Mask said. “I took it upon myself to rebuild the club and push it towards a fuller potential. Over the past two years, I pushed to regain our place on campus. I consider this my greatest nonacademic achievement. I will continue to support PRIDE and help it grow up to graduation and even as an alum.”

A Texas native, Mask loves the close, tight-knit community and feel Simpson has to offer. His favorite Simpson memory was experiencing the campus in person for the first time on move-in day.

“The amount of students at my high school in Rockwall was twice the size of Simpson’s current student population, so you can just imagine the stark differences that I experienced when I first came here,” Mask said. “No one knows everyone here, but it still feels like you do.”

Another benefit of attending a small school is building relationships with not only peers around campus, but professors as well.

“My biggest influence has to be Dr. Lindsay Ditzler,” Mask said. “She’s the person that has guided me the most in the past couple of years. I can say that I would not be the same person I am now if it hadn’t been for the way she pushed me to do the best I can.”

Following graduation, Mask anticipates attending graduate school for physical or theoretical  chemistry or applied mathematics.

His advice to underclassmen would be to take every opportunity.

“Never ignore a coincidence unless you’re in a hurry,” he said. “If you see an opportunity, take it. Sometimes you’ll get the chance to do something simply because you’re in the right place at the right time. Take it, do what you can with it, turn it out and make sure everyone knows what you can do.”