Senior Spotlight: Louis Joslyn

by Mariah Hirsch, Staff Reporter

One Simpson senior is proof that a major in college does not define which career path you choose or what you study in graduate school.

Louis Joslyn will graduate with majors in math and computer science and a minor in political science.

However, his future studies are slightly different.

With the help of his advisers, Murphy Wagner and Heidi Burger, Joslyn found an interest in biomathematics at the University of Michigan.

“My advisers have given me countless amounts of advice,” Joslyn said. “They are a great influence in my life.”

Starting in fall 2016, Joslyn will be studying biomedical sciences at the University of Michigan.

The first year will consist of taking general science courses and performing research rotations.

Joslyn will then be placed in a main lab for the remaining four years as a research assistant.

“I took a couple of biology course as electives and found that I loved studying biology, particularly in the human body,” Joslyn said. “It is a completely different field, but I am looking forward to it.”

Throughout his time at Simpson, Joslyn has appreciated the flexibility and approachability the college and professors have had to offer.

“Take advantage of the flexibility of the departments,” Joslyn said. “A lot of professors are OK with you taking coursework out of the norm. For me, that is how I found out what I wanted to do. Everyone I have met here has been open to new ideas and new approaches to academics in general. That was something I didn’t anticipate.”

Beyond academics, Joslyn has kept active in other activities on campus.

He is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and part of the Simpson College soccer team, where he held a captain position for three years.

He has also spent time doing research in genetics and biology on and off campus during the summer and participated in research experience for undergraduates at the University of Michigan.

Joslyn stayed busy during his time at Simpson balancing his sport and academics. Though it was challenging, he managed to find a balance in organizing his time.

“It was easier at the beginning balancing it all,” Joslyn said. “As I started advancing, I had to find a way to organize my time.”

In five years, Joslyn said he sees himself ending his time at the University of Michigan with his Ph.D.

Ultimately, his goal is to run a biomedical company that strives to incorporate new approaches to patient care and medicine in general.