A $44,000 well spent

by The Simpsonian Editorial

Many students may think that the $44,000 that Simpson is investing in the renovation of its Web site is ridiculous. The truth is that this project is something the entire community can get behind.

As the renovation begins, both students and staff should be excited for what this technological advancement can hold for the college community.

The improvements will make navigation on the site easier and more accessible, as well as add capabilities for checking student grades and for viewing photos of faculty and staff members.

Visual consistency will also be an essential goal for the site. This is in order to coordinate all of the various activities and academic pages so as to give them the same basic appearance.

While these improvements are certainly useful, the college’s commitment to a sharp-looking home on the web has some farther-reaching benefits.

Internet searches are by far the dominant way for high schoolers to begin the college selection process. A user-friendly and flashy site can impress many prospective students, serving as a proper Internet gateway for those interested in what the school has to offer. Looking for ways to increase out-of-state enrollment? While campus visits may not always be feasible, students from Alaska to Zimbabwe can get a feel for the institution over the Internet.

Meanwhile, current students, even those graduating soon can be sure that an improved Web site can definitely be an advantage. Prospective employers who may view the site will find a much more impressive view of the college as a whole, reflecting positively on anyone who has a degree from here.

The benefits of these enhancements will undoubtedly appear in the areas of admissions, alumni services, and public relations. As academia moves more and more into a digital arena, Simpson will do well to keep up with that trend.

And hey, while we’re on the topic, don’t forget to bookmark the brand-new www.thesimpsonian.com!