Entrepreneurship adressed

We applaud the sentiment expressed by [Erin] Capps in her recent article encouraging students to turn off the television set and become more entrepreneurial by starting businesses. (“Take Control of your destiny,” Feb. 7)

Ms. Capps, however, would have been well advised to research her topic more thoroughly before stating, “Simpson does not yet have courses teaching entrepreneurial skills, although a portion of management class may address the issue.”

In fact, our department offers Management 338, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and New Product Marketing-a cutting edge treatment of entrepreneurship, and Management 324, Small Business Management-a course in which students write a complete business plan for a start-up venture.

Our marketing major and minor stress entrepreneurship, as do many other courses. This year, we have many students participating in SIFE-Students in Free Enterprise. This exciting program involves students in hands-on consulting with the business community, and one of their projects involves working to revitalize the Indianola Square.

In addition, our department sponsored an entrepreneurial camp for the Upward Bound students on campus last summer.

Finally, the economics and management faculty is combining their skills to oversee a Maytag Foundation student-led research project that examines immigrant entrepreneurship in Des Moines.

There are many entrepreneurial facets to life at Simpson College. Innovation and entrepreneurship fuel the growth of our economy and provide opportunities for many people.

Students interested in pursuing entrepreneurial ventures will find many courses in the Departments of Management, Accounting, and Economics at Simpson College to stimulate their interest.

Marilyn Mueller

Chairperson of the Department of Management, Accounting, and Economics

Tom Schmidt

Assistant Professor of Management