Great Hall will be transformed into a magical place for Saturday’s formal

February 21, 2002
All Simpson students are invited to enjoy an evening of fun and dance this Saturday for ‘Moonlight Magic,” the all-campus formal sponsored by Kresge Hall.
The formal will be 9 p.m.-1 a.m. in Great Hall.
This is the second year that Kresge has sponsored the dance. The idea is to provide a dance for all students on campus, filling a void for those who are not members of the Greek system.
All of the organizing for the dance was done by a committee of six Kresge women, however other housing units offered financial support for the dance.
“It’s really sponsored by all the housing units,” freshmen Megan Jepsen, president of Kresge Hall, said. “But, Kresge did all the organizing.”
Students can expect to see a photographer, a professional disc jockey, snacks, and lots of decorations at the dance.
The photographer will be traveling the floor to take pictures of students who are dancing, while a more formal setting will be available for formal pictures. Students will not need to pay for any pictures on Saturday. Instead, the photos will be available to view on the Internet and can be ordered from there.
The professional DJ will be playing a wide variety of music during the dance. The DJ who was hired has one of the largest music libraries around and will take requests from the students, Jepsen said.
Cookies and pop will be available for students to snack on during the dance. A place will also be available for students to sit and rest.
The decorations will set the theme for the dance, which is “Midnight Magic.”
“We looked through books, like STUMPS, and decided on what we wanted from their choices,” Jepsen said. “The package we ordered was really called ‘Before Nightfall’, but we liked ‘Midnight Magic’ more.”
Jepsen and the committee said that they think the theme will be fun and that the decorations will pull off the desired effect.
“Great Hall won’t look like Great Hall,” Jepsen said.
When students buy their $2 admission tickets they also receive a free raffle ticket. The raffle is for a TV and DVD player.
Extra raffle tickets will be available for students to purchase at the dance. The drawing will be held at midnight and students must be present to win.