How safe are we?
October 10, 2002
The release of Simpson’s annual security report may lead some students to believe that Simpson is a haven for hardened criminals. Numbers of reported security incidents went up in 2001 in every category except for sex offenses. Liquor law violations saw a 40 percent increase.
In comparison with other schools, Simpson tops the charts for reported offenses. Perhaps we are not as safe as we may think.
Regardless of this report the Simpson community must keep in mind that there are measures we can take to secure our own safety. The simple rules that your mother set out for you when you left for college might actually work – lock your doors, don’t walk alone at night and go out with people you know and trust. These simple rules can prevent some of these incidents from happening.
Students must not fall into the belief that since we are a college of 1400 students in a small Iowa town we will not fall victim to a criminal act. Take charge of your own safety.
The annual security report calls to attention a harsh reality – that we are not as safe as we think we are. But the report also makes students , faculty and staff aware of the realities of Simpson College and holds us accountable for the safety of ourselves and our peers.
Perhaps the numbers for 2002 will fall. But until we know that, we must take responsibility for our own safety.