Safe Block not stopped
October 31, 2002
Safe Block did not receive the $1,000 donation Wal-Mart usually contributes towards its community project but it will still take place at Simpson.
“As a campus we must be more self-sufficient,” said junior Amber Dickey, member of the Residence Life Special Events Committee. “People who want to participate will now truly do it from their hearts.”
Safe Block is a program that allows local elementary school students to trick-or-treat through on-campus housing in order to keep them in a safe environment.
Wal-Mart usually donates the $1,000, but that money was given to a different organization this year. In order to compensate for this loss, the Residence Life sSpecial Events Committee received candy donations from both Hy-Vee and Fareway. Sodexho offered to donate money when students completed a survey about their living experiences on campus. Residence Life was also able to donate $200.
Senior Andrea Poland, a member of Residence Life, recognized the problem. As a member of Religious Life Council, she spoke with the SERVE council about gathering campus-wide donations.
Each housing unit is eligible for the Heroic Giving Award through the SERVE council. For each bag of candy a housing unit has in their box, they earn one point towards the award.
According to Dickey, the problem with collecting candy in residence halls is the high risk of it disappearing from the collection box. Many students are apprehensive to donate to SERVE when the candy will be divided between housing units. They feel that if they buy the candy they should be the ones to hand it out.
“Safe Block strengthens the community and college relationship by offering a safe area for children to trick-or-treat,” said Dickey.
Students can get involved by decorating, leading children through on-campus housing units and handing out the candy. This year many dorms, theme houses, apartments, fraternities and sororities chose to get involved.
Safe Block may be a bit shorter this year, but it will still benefit the community of small children who are excited to trick-or-treat at Simpson.