One Student’s experiences at Simpson different than most

November 14, 2002
For two years of your life, just imagine being thousands of miles from home, barely being able to communicate with your friends and family as well as 12-hour days of nonstop work. This may not sound appealing for many people, but for Langdon Bridges this is something he felt obligated to do.
Bridges, who embraces the Mormon religion, has the choice at age 19 (woman 21) whether or not they want to go on a mission trip.
“I just prayed one night to the Lord to give me a sign to help me make my decision on whether or not to go,” said Bridges. “I got this incredible feeling, and I knew then that I had to do it.”
Bridges came to Simpson College in 1999 from his home state of Arizona. He wanted to play basketball and thanks to a friend and his parents that are alumni of Simpson, along with admissions counselor Cole Zimmerman, Bridges found his way to Indianola, Iowa. After his freshman year here, Bridges left for Sau’ Paulo to do his mission trip.
“I would work from 9:30 in the morning until 9:30 at night just walking around designated areas talking to people and asking them if they wanted to hear what about what we had to say,” Bridges said. “I didn’t get to see my parents for two years and that was rough, but they were very supportive and understanding.”
After the two years in Sau’ Paulo were up, Bridges returned home for a short time before returning to Simpson College. Bridges has been staying with Professor Joe Walt since his return. “He (Walt) has helped me out a lot in preparing for my mission and coming back to campus,” Bridges said.
During Bridges’ freshman campaign, he was a member of the men’s varsity basketball program. He played in every varsity game for the storm shooting 42 percent from the field and averaging over three points per game along with 2.4 rebounds each performance.
Bridges will be able to start official practice with the Storm after Christmas.
“He is going to bring more athleticism to the team, along with a great work ethic,” senior basketball player Matt McCulla said.
Bridges, who was only able to pick up a basketball a handful of times during his mission, said he feels mentally prepared to start basketball but physically he is still not quite there.
“I am so happy to have him back. He has such a great attitude,” said Head Coach Bruce Wilson. “He is very outgoing and positive and is the type of person you want to be around.”
“I have no regrets at all for doing this,” Bridges said. “It was a life-changing experience and I learned a lot about myself, our Savior and my relationship with others.”