Senate discusses constitution changes

Senate discusses constitution changes

by Julie Loven

Student Senate is in the process of revising its constitution to clarify disagreements and/or misunderstandings involving student government.

“There are many things trying to be changed in the constitution but the election of senators is the biggest issue,” said sophomore Michael Schrodt, chairperson of the constitutional review committee.

Some of the changes to the new proposed constitution include what exactly the roles of Senate, the Executive Board and the Judicial Board are; to make a more unified student government; and to expand student government.

The biggest change, however, will be how the Senate will elect student officers. Two proposals were brought to the table at the Nov. 6 Senate meeting.

The first proposal included five representatives from each class, two from each academic division, two from those who haven’t declared a major, 10 from organizations at-large and one from each Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council and Residence Hall Association. With this proposal, all the organizations on campus have the opportunity to have a student represent them and the whole student body would also elect 10 members to be on student senate.

“We feel that organizations need to be represented because there is a much larger allegiance as senators to organizations than there is as senators to residence halls,” said Schrodt.

The second proposal includes two representatives from each class (which eliminates class presidents), one from each academic division, one from those who have not declared a major, 10 from organizations at-large, one from each housing unit, one from each sorority and fraternity, one for the theme houses and one per apartment building.

The reason for changing the constitution is mainly to clarify a misunderstanding, which occurred last year.

“At the beginning of last year, anyone and everyone who walked into the Senate room had a vote,” said Schrodt. “Second semester, however, we rediscovered the constitution so organizations felt as if they lost their vote. It should be noted that the organizations never had a vote under the constitution, we just started following it.”

Redefining the constitution will be an ongoing process that the Senate hopes to have completed by the end of the spring semester.