Sing for the special season

December 5, 2002
The season is upon us, and the Simpson music department and chapel staff are here to help us celebrate with the annual holiday service, “Lessons and Carols”.
“‘Lessons and Carols’ is a way to get people in the spirit of the season and celebrate through verse and song,” said choir member Amelia Groetsch.
This year’s service will hold similarities to years past, with some slight variations. For one, different professors will take turns reading the verses. Also, the songs differ from year to year and are always traditional carols from the 16th through 20th century. Members from the women’s chorale and the choir will be singing pieces, while others are sung along with the audience. Some members will be singing solos. There will also be instrumental accompaniment to along with the readings and songs.
“Lessons and Carols” is a good way for students and faculty to come together, according to those involved.
“We can set aside our differences and bask in the richness of the season,” said choir member Martin Fox.
“Lessons and Carols” has a new director this year. James Kim is not only new to the service, but also new to Simpson College.
“My experience has been fabulous,” said Kim.
Many of the students who participate in “Lessons and Carols” are also involved in other musical events, which leaves participants in a bind for finding practice time.
The only time the singers rehearse is during allotted choir time, which is set up the same as any other class. But, choir members were asked to practice on their own so the choir could progress quicker, especially those students who have solos.
“I’m not making the students memorize the pieces because of our time crunch,” said Kim.
Kim says he is not worried about the lack of preparation time.
“I have been stunned in the voice department with how well the voices have been developed,” said Kim
Because of such large turnouts in the past, there will be two services of “Lessons and Carols”. The service will take place in Smith Chapel on Dec. 8 at 2 and 5 p.m.