Residents rally for Kiya Koda

by Sara Cowden

Whether it’s a late night run for frozen pizzas or a grocery trip with mom and dad footing the bill, next time you are shopping at the Indianola Hy-Vee save your receipts.

Hy-Vee receipts can help SERVE to raise money for Kiya Koda, the Indianola humane society. Drop-off envelopes are located outside of all RA and CA doors, as well as at Smith Chapel. When the receipts total $150,000, Hy-Vee will donate $1,000 to Kiya Koda.

As of last count on February 25, 2003, the receipts totaled $33,164.88. The Simpson community’s portion of that amount was $12,836.21.

There is no deadline for the fund-raiser-it is over whenever the group reaches its $150,000 goal.

SERVE joined the fundraising after Kiya Koda contacted the chapel for assistance from the Simpson community.

“We try to do as much as we can and this project doesn’t involve a whole lot of time,” said senior Megan George, student chaplain. “It is an easy way of helping out.”

According to Kiya Koda Director Kathy Pfeifer, the money will be put into a general expenses fund.

“Right now we have so many animals with so many needs,” said Pfeifer. “We are funded by the county and city, but any extra bit always helps.”

The Indianola Hy-Vee, sponsor for this fundraiser, began the project in November 2000.

“Currently we have about 12 different organizations in the community that we are doing this same fund-raiser for,” said Bill Kittler, Indianola Hy-Vee store manager.

“As a company, it is very important to us that we give back to the community that supports us.”

Senior SERVE member Paula Cripps feels the same way.

“For me, charity is a matter of personal faith,” said Cripps. “As people living in this world, we are called to make it better. I just get so much more when I give my time and efforts.”

SERVE became involved in the fund-raiser for Kiya Koda in mid-January and will continue until the goal has been met.

“We also did the canned goods drive at Pfeiffer in December and work through Helping Hand,” said George. “As part of SERVE, I am always looking for ways to help. There are so many things we can do.”