An Ounce of Doing’ a success…this year

by The Simpsonian

In January students at Simpson College were given the challenge to create a project that could be executed for under $1,000 promoting diversity in honor of Black History Month and Martin Luther King Jr.

For this, the inaugural year of the event, there was high involvement and overall strong plans made by four groups. Students who tend to be active on campus seemed to be the ones who participated in this campus project. In order for more students to get involved next year they must be given adequate time to complete the plans. This guarantees higher involvement and a high quality in these student-developed projects.

As the administration continues to discuss the possibility of a dean of multicultural student affairs, the benefits of such a position can be seen directly through the planning and execution of this project. While several people were in charge of this, all of whom have many other obligations to the college, a dean of multicultural affairs could bring more focus and direction to “An Ounce of Doing” and similar programs.

Although this year was a success, if a dean position is implemented then there could be significant changes made to the program.

Along those same lines, more advertising of the project would bring more student involvement.

If we as students are going to claim that diversity is a priority at Simpson we must also chose to support these new attempts to obtain it.