WEB EXCLUSIVE! A look at Little Sibs Weekend

by Sara Cowden

Nearly 40 faces around Simpson College will be considerably more youthful this weekend.

This weekend the First Year Council will be hosting the 3rd annual Little Siblings Weekend. Activities began on Friday, March 28.

Younger and older siblings kicked off the event by participating in the t-shirt tie-dye. Then the Council will provide a movie in Great Hall that evening. Bowling was also an option for those who are not quite ready for bed.

Saturday’s activities began with a carnival of games and prizes from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pizza will be provided for lunch. Following the meal, a magician entertained attendees. Swimming and bingo continued on until 3 p.m.

“This is such a nice event because it gives the younger siblings a chance to see what college is all about,” said Ryan Hildreth, First Year Council president. “The kids will spend the night on campus and that way they can really see what their big brother or sister does off at school and they get to spend time together.”

According to Hildreth, the First Year Council is expected 40-50 siblings.