Donnenworth breaks touchdown pass record
October 30, 2003
The success of the Storm football team has definitely been ateam effort. However, senior quarterback Mike Donnenwerth has donea superior job this year leading the team. Donnenwerth set theschool record for most touchdown passes. The record was brokenduring one of the most important games of the Simpson footballseason, the Central game. In that game, Donnenwerth had 48touchdown passes, which broke the old record of 43, set by JoeBlake Jr. (1987-90).
“I had no idea that I broke the record or was close to it,” saidDonnenwerth. “We [the team] were excited about beating Central forthe first time in seven years.”
It wasn’t until he read it in a press release that Donnenwerthrealized he had even broken the record.
“The team doesn’t focus on individual stats too much,” saidDonnenweth. “We focus more on the success of the team.”
He said it is an honor to have his name mentioned withquarterbacks who have written the history of Simpson football.
“He’s a team player,” said head coach Jay Niemann. “He doesn’tcare how the team wins or about his statistics. He’s a hard worker,loyal and has good character.”