Out of state enrollment declines at Simpson
November 20, 2003
Simpson’s overall enrollment has increased, however, the numbersof full-time out of state students have shown a slight decreaseover the past three years.
Currently, Simpson has 186 out of state students, compared to189 in 2002, 236 in 2001, and 245 in 2000. The majority of out ofstate students come from Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska andMissouri.
The Office of Marketing and Public Relations works intensivelyin order to attract more out of state students to Simpson.
“Having a diverse student body adds to the educational qualityof the college,” said Michael Adams, director of publicrelations.
Why the decrease in numbers?
Simpson operates with limited media exposure when reaching outof state students because of price.
“Publicizing the school in other states is very expensive,” saidAdams. “Our best shot to build a national reputation is through thesuccess of our sports teams and the ranking Simpson obtains frommagazines such as U.S. News and World Report.”
The Office of Admissions is another area of the college thathelps recruit students. The admissions staff feels that recruitingstudents outside of Iowa is just as important as recruitingIowans.
According to Kara May, associate director of admissions, membersof the office staff each have their own territories of variousstates to reach out and market Simpson to.
Admission officers are able to attract students by simplyrelying on Simpson’s name and history.
“One of the things that help us the most is the recognitionSimpson has in other states,” said May. “We may not be a biguniversity, but people know that coming to Simpson is worthit.”
South Dakota native, Jen Tyler, a sophomore, said she choseSimpson because it offered the two majors she was interested in,sociology and religion, and the location and size of the collegeappealed to her.
“My Simpson experience has been a very good one,” said Tyler.”People are great and welcoming, and with all the activities I’minvolved in, I can say it has been an all around positiveexperience.”