HuHot is oh-so hot

by Shawna McChurch

Offering only a la carte or all you can eat, HuHot MongolianGrill is a unique experience.

Upon entering the restaurant, my companion and I were greetedand seated immediately. We were quickly offered drinks andappetizers, and given a brief explanation of how the buffetworked.

At the first bar, we picked our meat and pasta and placed thesein the bottom of a bowl. At the next bar we piled the veggies ontop of our pasta, and proceeded to the sauce bar. A short menu ofsure-to-please sauce recipes was hung from the ceiling, howevermix-n-matching flavors is highly recommended.

Next, we the went to the grill, where our overflowing bowls weretaken from us by the chefs who grilled the food and presented uswith our hand-picked, freshly prepared, steaming hot plates ofMongolian cuisine.

We were informed that if we didn’t like our concoctions, wecould throw it out and try again. This wasn’t an issue for eitherof us, in fact we both went back for seconds. My companion evenstated that she loved the place before she had even tasted thefood.

The d����cor was a mix of modern chic and Asian flare, withbright colored walls, geometric inspired columns and dragon murals.The music was faded in the background and was difficult to hearover the scraping and laughter at the grill.

The staff was also very friendly, asking us how we heard of therestaurant and if we were enjoying the experience and food.

The prices were a little steep for a college budget. The dinnerbuffet was $10.99 a person, but after stuffing ourselves with thehot food, the price made sense. Located in West Des Moines, by theBest Buy on University Avenue, made this a long trip, but on theright occasion (first date, anniversary or birthday,) it isdefinitely a worthwhile trip.