Senior golfers dedication proves successful

April 1, 2004
The Simpson women golfers have had considerable attentionthroughout the years by attending the national tournament three ofthe last four years, winning conference, and beating a schoolrecord for the team. But this winning record would not have beenpossible without the dedication and experience brought by the threesenior women golfers: Amber DeRiemacker, Karen Smith and SentaWillenborg.
All three of the seniors’ dedication has surprised the women’sgolf coach, Bob Darrah. “I’m glad they accept me as a coach andstayed with the program all four years,” said Darrah.
Willenborg’s golf success has proved to be memorable with theappearance of her picture with her siblings in “Sports Illustrated”as the only sisters to be medalists at conference. She also won anindividual award at the conference tournament last year.
Although Willenborg has had national recognition, DeRiemackerand Smith have had success of their own.
DeRiemacker has been a four-year letter winner and could beall-American if she reaches the top ten finalists at nationals thisyear. Also, Smith won a tournament her sophomore year at LutherCollege when she shot a 76.
The senior golfers have found being on a winning team a joy.
Smith elaborates, “Being a member of this team has been aprivilege because we have always had a winning mentality and theteam likes to win.”
Also, the women speak highly of Coach Darrah.
“Just knowing where he has come from and he has always had awinning tradition; that builds confidence in our team,” saidDeRiemacker.
Darrah has taught them numerous skills for golf and lifethroughout their years at Simpson. Smith and Willenborg both agreedthey learned to be tough competitors under Darrah’s instruction.DeRiemacker stated that she learned to never give up for somethingshe was working towards.
The women all realize that the season is coming to a close, butall wish to be swinging their clubs at nationals in Green Lake,WI.
“We want to keep the tradition going by always winning andkeeping the Simpson name known,” explained Willenborg.
While the tradition was building in their four years as golfers,these women agreed that their best moments were together.
“The spring break trip we take every year at Branson, MO arealways memorable,” said Willenborg.
“We went to a show that we thought coach (Darrah) would like.The show ended up being a musical comedy that was very odd. We wereall surprised by the weird show,” said DeRiemacker.
Besides from sitting through the odd show, Darrah said the womenwere all happy and great to be around through their four yearstogether. “Overall they were good to get along with and they allhave lots of ability,” said Darrah.
The women were in agreement with doing golf as a leisureactivity when they graduated from Simpson, after they find jobs intheir field of study.