Hawley lends a helping hand
November 4, 2004
Hawley Academic Resource Center wants you. Yes, you.
Hawley has been helping Simpson students in any class fromEnglish 101 to Molecular Genetics for 36 years. For free.
“We try to help students academically by way of tutoring,”Director of Hawley Todd Little said.
According to Little, students can get subject tutoring throughHawley or they can meet with undergraduate assistants in math,writing, Spanish and chemistry. Subject tutoring is where studentsare hired based on professors’ recommendations to tutor in aspecific course. The undergraduate assistants work regular hours atHawley, so anyone can make an appointment to meet with them if theyneed extra help.
Hawley also administers CLEP tests for students who would liketo earn college credit by examination, residual ACT for studentswho are planning to attend Simpson but would like to improve theirscores, alternate testing for students who miss in-class exams andare unable to arrange a time to take the test with the teacher andC-BASE for education majors, according to Michelle Yeoman,assistant to the director.
Students can get tips on study, time management and test-takingskills from Hawley.
“We will help any Simpson student who comes through our doorregardless of GPA, ACT scores or class rank to the best of ourability,” Little said.
According to Little, Hawley is helping more than in yearspast.
“Our numbers have increased over the past few years,” Littlesaid. “I attribute it to the increase in number of students oncampus and the larger first-year classes coming in.”
Little said most freshmen are willing to get help when they needit.
“We typically have a higher number in the fall semester, andabout half of them are first-year students,” Little said.
Yeoman said juniors and seniors also take advantage ofHawley.
“Students in the upper classes want another set of eyes toreview a paper for a senior project or prepare revisions on WritingCompetency II portfolios,” Yeoman said.
Sophomore Kelsey Hagerty began tutoring two students forEconomics 101 this fall. Hagerty was contacted to become a tutorbecause of her high test scores in the class.
“The people that I’m tutoring, it’s not that they don’t get it,”Hagerty said. “I’m teaching them a new way to look at the tests andhow I get the right answers.”
Hagerty said tutoring is a good experience.
“It helps me look at it in a different way because I have toteach it,” Hagerty said. “I have to understand it enough to teachit and keep on time with my reading.”
Little and Yeoman also find their jobs rewarding.
“I like working directly one-on-one and seeing them succeed,”Little said. “It’s pretty rewarding when I start working with afirst-year and four years later see them graduate and goonward.”
Yeoman has worked in Hawley for over five years.
“I have watched some students move through the cycle attendingtutoring sessions as first-year students and becoming tutorsthemselves,” Yeoman said. “I love the ‘Aha’ moment when a tuteetells me that a subject doesn’t seem so frustrating because we wereable to find a tutor who became an excellent resource.”
As with everything, there are down sides to the tutoring programat Hawley.
“Our most popular requests are introductory chemistry andbiology courses,” Yeoman said. “Unfortunately these subjects havethe fewest number of people who are comfortable tutoring. Most ofthe qualified tutors who are willing have several labs perweek.”
Hawley’s main goal is to help students succeed in their classesand their future careers.
“Don’t feel scared or embarrassed to ask for help,” Little said.”Don’t wait until the last minute. Ask your teachers first, and ifyou need additional review, please come see us.”