Groups pick fun activities fr Simpson’s Campus Day
April 14, 2005
Volunteering was visible yesterday around the community of Indianola thanks to Simpson’s annual Campus Day. Approximately 350 students signed up to participate in Campus Day 2005.
“The number of students signed up was significantly more than last year,” junior Erin Disney, Campus Day co-chair, said.
Teams comprised of ten people gathered to work on projects at various locations around Indianola and on campus, including Wesley Woods, The Village, Irving Elementary School and the humane society.
“We chose the Storm Cellar, raking and a random outdoor activity,” said Alpha Tau Omega’s president, senior Lance McVay. “We chose the activities that seemed like fun and that we were most interested in.”
ATO had three teams sign up for Campus Day.
“We really enjoyed it last year,” McVay said. “It’s a good way to get involved in the community and have fun with it.”
Unlike previous years, there were no afternoon activities at this year’s Campus Day.
“We followed last year’s precedence by eliminating afternoon activities,” Disney said. “We collectively decided that we thought students would appreciate having the afternoon off.”
The kick-off event was also changed significantly this year.
“This year we had a huge bingo instead of inflatables that they had last year,” Disney said. “We had Storm Cellar pizza and bingo at 9:30 in BSC. We also added a midnight breakfast on Tuesday night.”
Students were excited to participate and get involved in the area.
“It’s good public relations for the college community and it’s a fun time to hang out with friends and get to know the community members,” junior Beth Daily said.
Campus Day isn’t meant to be a free day without classes – students are supposed to volunteer.
“It’s a day such as this where we are really getting out in the community and actually doing something to take pride and be excited about it,” Disney said. “This is one of three or four times all year where students from all areas of campus come together.”
The Campus Day theme, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it,” encouraged students to be proud of the tradition.
“Simpson does have ‘it,’ and on Campus Day I hope students were proud to flaunt it,” Disney said.