Personal attention a benefit of small college

December 1, 2005
People often make fun of Simpson for being such a small school where everyone knows everyone. Simpson is a small college but it does have its benefits. The attention you get from Simpson’s professors just doesn’t exist at large universities.
I will admit having attendance taken at every class, every day, can be annoying when you just want to sleep in. But overall, having personal relationships with your professors adds tremendous value to your college experience.
On multiple occasions I have seen professors get out a cell phone and call a student because they weren’t in class.
Once, not only did the professor call a student, he left a voicemail singing “we don’t need no education…” from Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall.” Why do they do this? I honestly think it’s because they have high expectations for their students and they find skipping disrespectful.
My freshman year of college I was sick and missed three weeks of school – I thought there was no way I would be able to complete that semester. All of my professors called me at home to check on me, and helped me make up anything I had missed. I knew then that Simpson was telling the truth – you’re not just a number here. Professors do these things because they care, and want students to be successful.
At least once a week, a professor will say, “I heard from one of my former students and they are doing…” Why do students stay in contact with their professors after graduation? Because students do know their professors so well, they make great references and provide great advice. Professors want students to succeed, both for themselves and because it makes them feel successful as your instructor.
Be thankful for the one-on-one attention you receive at Simpson. The truth is, you’re paying for it, so take advantage of the many benefits it offers.