Book club offers food, fun for Simpson community

January 24, 2007
For all those avid readers out there, the Simpson College Community Book Club might be the perfect fit.
The group usually meets during the lunch hour the first Wednesday of every other month. The next meeting will be March 7 in Dirlam Lounge.
“(It was started by) people who enjoyed reading,” Instruction Librarian Mary Peterson said. “Book clubs have been pretty popular lately, and ours was started in 2003.”
Though most members of the book club are employees of the college, students are also welcome to attend.
“If they’re interested in the book we’re reading (they might want to join),” Peterson said. “It’s also a good way of getting to know staff and faculty on a more personal level.”
Club members can choose either a fiction or non-fiction book in the chosen category-culinary mysteries this month-read it and join in for food, fun and discussion.
Secretary of Admissions Laura Johnson led the group last year and since then has become more involved. This year Serials Librarian Liz Grimsbo leads the group.
Attendance at recent meetings has been low, so the group decided to boost numbers by giving people the option to read any book from a specific category this month instead of choosing one specific title.
“It would be really nice if more people would come because then we could have a more lively discussion,” Grimsbo said.
When choosing books to read, the All Iowa Read book is top on the list. The All Iowa Read book is announced in October each year. The chosen book is one that a committee believes everyone in Iowa would benefit from reading.
The book read for the last book club meeting was “Splendid Solutions” by Jeffrey Kluger. Sometimes the books chosen are tied to forum events or the members will read the book required for the freshman Liberal Arts Seminar class. Other times the club chooses books that are currently popular titles, like “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown and “Wicked” by Gregory Maguire.
Anyone interested can check out the book club’s Web site linked from the library Web site, check out the Simpson calendar, wait for emails about the meeting or talk to anyone in Dunn Library.
Pat Hicks, transportation manager and secretary, has attended book club meetings for years.
“If people like to read, I highly encourage them to come,” Hicks said. “We always want students to get involved. It’s not just for faculty and staff.”