Words of wisdom and a few goodbyes from a graduating senior

April 11, 2007
For many of us the year is winding down, faster than we ever imagined. New people come on to campus and are eager to take the seats we had; and it’s officially time to hand the seats to them. We have contributed our time in the best way possible–now it’s time for new blood. So to help you newbies, with the help of some seniors, I’m giving some helpful advice.
Always live on campus. Living on campus gives you a better experience at Simpson because you are close to everything and in the know. Also, living on campus gives you all kinds of BFF’s just doors away for memories that can never be recreated or retold. Groomsmen, bridesmaids, husbands and wives are found within the walls of residence halls. I found groomsmen in Barker, SAE, and the Balance House. Windows have been busted; clothes have fallen off, late night road trips instead of papers, and unforgettable-possibly regrettable-memories made.
On the bright side, if you live in the halls you don’t have any immediate bills so your money can be wasted on other products.
Once you stay in a residence hall, get out of your room! You won’t grow as a person if you stay in your tiny cell. You never know what you are missing if you stay in. The world is a wonderful place, come on out and enjoy.
Wear your clothes more than once without doing laundry. It totally builds personal character and I promise you won’t be the only one; I do it all the time. Laundry isn’t nearly as important as your favorite T.V. lineup, so watch away and let the clothes ferment in your hamper.
Watch “Family Guy”. You have to be able to laugh once in a while, and deep down FG is a great commentary on our social life. Yes it is vulgar but it’s also smart.
Go Greek. Forget all the stereotypes of each house, being Greek is a wonderful opportunity and a great growing experience. Being Greek teaches community and personal identity at the same time. Many of Simpson’s great were Greek, and you should be too.
Make mistakes. Only when you’ve felt the lowest in your life do you realize how valuable your life really is… yes it’s very valuable.
Pull an all-nighter. You haven’t been a college student until you’ve worked on one project all through the night. It’s also a great feeling to finish just before the sun rises and watch it rise.
If you need alone time, take it. There will be a time in your life where you are going to be over your head, so walk away. You will need time alone to recharge your inner batteries. If you feel like driving refreshes you, drive away. If you feel like shopping is your cure, shop away. You need to take time for yourself otherwise you will self-destruct.
Take a drink of alcohol. Before you naysayers judge, take a drink. Also taking a drink will open your eyes to what everyone else is doing. If you learn moderation, alcohol can actually help your body. Remember moderation good, over-doing it bad… I promise it’s bad.
There’s always someone cooler than you. Sure it’s a Ben Folds song, but it’s true. You aren’t always the hottest person on campus. You aren’t king/queen, you are just a person.
You will never be able to succeed without help from others; and if it wasn’t for some of these people I would never be able to succeed, so make sure you have people in your life for guidance.
Susanne Gubanc. Susanne, there is no way I would be anywhere without you. You taught me many eye opening things, but most importantly you taught me about myself, and to be myself. I can never thank you enough for what you have done.
My Friends. You all make me who I am; I am eternally in debt to all of you. I have spent time, money and brain cells for reasons that sounded good at the time, but looking back that weren’t so smart. I love you all.
Mommy. I love you, that’s the best way I can explain it.
Pops. I will never kill more brain cells with anyone than you. We both have tough times together and we will make the best decisions we can. Thanks for everything Pops.
Emily. Thanks for always showing me it’s actually ok to be mature. I wish you all the best of luck in your life.
Emma. You have taught me so many things since we’ve been together. I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without your love and support. Thanks.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. You guys all are the best brothers anyone could ask for. I’ve learned so much with the help of all of you, and now it’s my turn to help you.
Third Floor. I could not have had the best senior year without you all.
My roommates. I am the messiest soul on earth, but you all accepted me and my mess with open arms and with love. Thanks.
Yes this is a shameless plug to say goodbye, but it’s applicable to all. We all need help from one another and everyone we encounter does affect us, both positively and negatively.
My tenure is running out of sand, and I am ready. I thank you all and wish you the best in all of your encounters.