New club aims to create environmental awareness

October 9, 2007
Recently, a new club on campus called the “Environmental Awareness Club” began holding its meetings, advised by Ryan Rehmeier, assistant professor of biology.
President Nick Blay is enthusiastic about the outcome and attendance of the club thus far.
“We have already had 57 people sign up in the first week,” Blay said.
Although the club has already been successful, they will always be welcoming to new members. They hope to have as many students on Simpson’s campus get involved with their upcoming projects this year as possible.
Membership so far has in no way been limited only to those who are involved with science related majors, but instead members come from all areas of study, from biology to art.
“[Members] come from all different majors and are just people who care,” Blay said. “It’s good to be a very enthusiastic person who wants change. That really helps.”
Anyone who is interested is welcome to join or get involved with the upcoming projects.
“Campus-wide recycling is a big issue,” Blay said.
The club has a lot of other great ideas planned for the year ahead. Blay is hopeful to have these projects underway in the near future.
“We hope to begin our projects soon,” Blay said.
Rehmeier has many goals for the new club as well.
“[Possible projects include having] an organic garden on top of the Carver Science building,” Rehmeier said. “We hope to work on restoring native vegetation.”
Other projects include, “adopt a highway,” as well as promoting the use of organically made sacks, instead of using plastic or paper ones that we usually use.
This year, Karmin Stonehocker, head of the public relations committee for the club, will be in charge of creating fliers and informing the campus of upcoming events. Stonehocker hopes that, by promoting upcoming activities, more people will have the chance to get involved.
“It doesn’t take any specific type of person to be involved with “EA (Environmental Awareness),” Stonehocker said. “You just have to be enthusiastic and passionate.”
Stonehocker’s goal is to simply get as many people educated about the club as possible.
“We are trying to get everybody involved in one way or another,” Stonehocker said.
The main focus of the “Environmental Awareness Club” is to promote on-campus and off-campus awareness about various environmental issues.
Meetings are being held every other Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., located in the Carver Science building, room 215.