5 Questions for Carolyn Dallinger

October 17, 2007
Carolyn Dallinger, assistant professor of social work and criminal justice, has been working at Simpson for five years.
Dallinger received her bachelor’s degree in social work from Simpson.
From there, she went to the University of Washington in Seattle to receive her master’s degree in social work, and then onto the Southern University at Baton Rouge to receive her law degree.
After she graduated, she started up a law practice with her husband, Walter Lain, assistant dean for multicultural and international affairs. After her father became ill, she and Lain decided to move back to Iowa to take care of him. She saw an ad in the newspaper and applied to work at Simpson. A few months later, she was back at her alma mater.
“I love working here because I’m able to bring tons of personal experience to the classroom,” Dallinger said.
Dallinger is not only a professor, but is involved in many activities on campus. She is involved in the Multicultural Student Alliance, the International Student Organization, Best Buddies and service learning projects with students of immigrant families.
She also helps with the George Washington Carver day on campus and the upcoming “Think. Act. Build.” Anti-Bullying workshop.
Dallinger has taken spring break trips with students to New Orleans, and May Term trips to Alaska and Russia. This year, she will be going on the May Term trip to Ghana, Africa.
When she’s not helping out with organizations on campus, she is a leader of a youth group at church, plays piano for her church and spends time with her two daughters, Erin and Dana.